Two Things People Always Buy… that Make You a Huge Profit.
Have you ever wondered why some customers buy super fast and others want to have more of what you are offering?
In my past businesses, either the online ones or the brick and mortar one, I started to see a pattern. Once I understood it l, it changed the whole profit game for me.
People buy two things:
- a product to get an instant result
- - or an experience that creates a new lifelong journey.
What do I mean by that?
Most entrepreneurs and biz owners sell products. Products are solutions to specific problems. Customers buy those products for a quick win… a quick result.
That happens with every single product you see in the market… from ice cream, to clothing, to software, to apps, to consulting, to massage…
This is what marketers and social media professionals preach anyways. Those gurus preach problem/solution style to create a quick buzz for their clients, so the whole marketing campaign looks successful.
The problem with that is the competition it creates. Everybody is competing against everybody, and having the same mediocre product.
When you are under competition, no matter how innovative your product is or how good it is… under competition your product is always MEDIOCRE. Your solution is always AVERAGE.
So, the obvious question is:
How to take your product outside any competition?
How to make your product profitable at 100% and scalable at 10X+ growth rate?
How to make your product an irresistible offer that goes 10 times about the mediocrity of your market?
The answer is… (snare drum sound)
The answer is creating a journey experience not a momentarily fading experience.
We think our product is creating an experience. This is far away from any truth.
Products clicks some emotions but never create any journey experience.
A journey experience is a long-lasting feeling not an impulse emotion. A feeling is an elevated emotion practiced for a longer period of time. That longer timeframe with you and your brand is the journey experience.
By now, your head is wandering and you need a shot of whiskey, lol.
Let me explain to you this phenomenon that most biz owners are missing…
When analyzing what your customer really needs, we focus so much on the problem alone. That is important. BUT, a problem is just the store front of a deeper phenomenon that is happening in the mind and the body of your customer.
you need to go beyond the problem itself. Every problem has an emotional signature that we call a limiting belief
A limiting belief is a past bad experience or a past bad thought that happens in the mind of your customer on and on, so it becomes their identity.
That’s a new self-sabotaging identity. That is what’s creating all kind of problems for your customer.
so, the problem is not a problem by itself a problem is a problem when it is a mix of a limiting belief that has a deeper roots signature in the identity of your customer.
if you need to find a solution, you need to go deeper than the problem. You need to touch the limiting beliefs level.
When you do that correctly now you will be able to share a journey experience instead of creating an impulsive solution.
You now know that your clients really need a change at their identity level not at the surface level. They need a change at their limiting belief level, not only on the problem level that floats on the surface.
So, if you are selling clothing for instant people who come to you, don’t come just to buy an item… They are buying a piece that makes them powerful, happier, and give them a new feeling that attaches to their identity.
With that being said, people every time they make a decision to buy, they are touching somehow that identity Level; and trying to change those self sabotaging limiting beliefs.
sometimes they are successful and most of the times they fail. your job comes here as an entrepreneur and a business owner to help them recognize that phenomenon, and help them to change at the identity level no matter what you are selling.
That works in every single market and Every single industry, with every single kind of product solutions or offers.
You need to go always deeper than what it may look, or you may see on the surface.
so if you need to make a scalable offer that sells at hundred percent profit you need to offer an experience. A journey experience. Not only a commodity that scratches the surface of a problem.
You will always have those two types of customers: people who only want those quick wins and that is totally fine… and people who really need that experience, that journey change on their identity level. With your coaching, training, items, that you sell… And every single interaction with you and your community.
By now, you may be wondering I don’t do a training or coaching… the truth is that whatever you are selling, even if you are selling clothing or Software or shoes… you are always coaching and training your clients on the best way to use your items.
The identity level changes with information and with the right knowledge.
items and commodities don’t change anything at the identity level.
they help… they are just a trigger.
Now you understand what is the difference between a commodity and an experience journey…
now it is your job to up-level all your work to touch the identity… not only focusing on the surface problem.
To your exponential Success!!!
Georges Hanna