The Pricing Dilemma
Do I charge $27 for my info-product?
Or, do I charge $15,000?
Do I charge $200 for my coaching?
Or, do I charge $15,000+?
a dilemma, a conflict, and a struggle go with us for years not knowing our worth and how much should we charge for our offers.
Needless to say, that the amount of stress we encounter during the pricing dilemma keep us down and paralyzed from moving forward in our life to get better results financially and emotionally.
I started my first knowledge product in 2008, where I got trapped in the pricing and the worth of my knowledge production. I trapped myself into the dilemma that if I learn this ‘One Thing’ everything will change and I will sell tons of my knowledge products. I kept producing and putting on the shelf for 10 years. I produced tons of info products that all ended up dead on a shelf on my computer drive.
I kept producing and learning that ‘One more Thing’ to stay more paralyzed in my own limiting beliefs.
In 10 years, my finances started to go down as I started to sink down in my negative thoughts and my limiting beliefs.
… I am not worthy enough to share with the world what I have learned in life, in volunteering and in starting 3 successful non for profit organizations, in biz, in friendship, in relationship…
10 years of a mental struggle got me deep in a financial trouble. “I have responsibilities to fulfill toward my family and toward my myself” I’d say to myself.
I started to work in jobs I don’t like for the sake of making little bit extra of money… that put me under so much stress because deeply I knew my worth but I was handcuffed, emotionally-cuffed, and mentally-cuffed…
Can you relate to this mental trap that you have a lot to share with the world but something kicks in inside you every-time you want to open your mouth to say something about it??
After a 10 strong years of mental and emotional struggles about my worth the pain aroused to a level that literarily exploded me.
I finally broke that trap and posted on Facebook one post telling people “if you want to learn how to create a digital product and sell it at a profit comment below. I’m starting a new online course and looking. for 10 people to serve for free in return of a testimonial”.
I posted it and I didn’t have the courage to see if someone on my friend list will respond or not; and they could say.
In my mental trap of “ I am Not Good Enough” I was expecting people to say that is BS… What the hell you are talking about… that will never work…
I did the post and went directly to sleep. I was exhausted with my mental pain that I know I have lots of value that could change people lives, but still not having the courage to open my mouth to say anything about it.
I slept… the next morning I was terrified to look at the comments section on that post.
I did.
and here what I saw:
I’m in
I’m in
I’m in
Wow, I’ve been waiting for something like that…
I did not know you can help me with that…
35 people literarily responded that night, and 25 got into my first evergreen online course.
17 graduated and gave me a killing testimonial that helped me kicked my biz off.
You can still see those testimonials on my Linkedin and on my Facebook Business Page.
Since that time, my income which was my biggest pain went from broke and being in high debts, to making 5-figures and debts free, to 3X growth rate every single year.
Now, getting my 8-figure income is a matter of months away.
I became unstoppable…
Even writing posts like that to share my own experience to inspire you was a dilemma for me before.
I am sharing this story to tell you that not starting or not charging for what your real worth is, will kill your ability to move forward in your life. That what we call depression, stress and anxiety nowadays.
I am sharing my story with you, so you can shorten my 10 years of pain into couple weeks…
Don’t do what I did for 10 years…
Just do what I did when I broke free of my pain’s trap…
Don’t put yourself in a new trap by not charging what you are worth.
If Your knowledge can change the circumstances of your clients and get them better results in:
- Money
- - Time
- - Energy
- Then charge $15,000+ for your help.
Can you help your client plan to get more $$ in their pocket, then charge $15,000+ for your coaching.
Can you help your client being committed and consistent in creating quality time for themselves, for their biz, and for their family… then charge $15,000+ for your wisdom.
Charge what you really feel you are worth when you are really become a FREE HUMAN.
Do not get in the trap of charging $27 or $200 for your high quality worth.
To recap, I want you to be aware of the following negative framework… to break yourself free, and to help your clients to do so as well.
It all starts with ‘I am not Good Enough’… and it may goes for life.
Free yourself from the following pattern that exhausted me for years:
- I am not good enough
- - I know I have lots of high value knowledge but something is holding me back.
- - If I learn that one more thing I can move mountains.
- - I kept doing the old stuffs and kept myself paralyzed into doing the right steps to get what I really want.
- - My Pain increased: my finances, my emotions and my family’s responsibilities.
- - Pain exploded me and pushed me to take the first right step.
- the door finally opened: it was a mental trap and an emotional dilemma inside me, that held me back for 10+ years.
- - in 12 months everything changed from the number of clients I have served, to the amount of money I started to consistently make (5-figures), to the free quality time I started to have to grow my biz and to spend with my family.
Take responsibility of your own life…
Break free of your mental traps…
and do that in few weeks… instead of years of pain.
To Your Abundant Self…
Georges Hanna