The Cost of Inaction
People often set goals and work on them.
What if they start what Tim Ferris calls: Fear-Settings.
Fear-Settings instead of Goal-Settings.
Goal settings still very important, but putting so much attention into it and neglecting the fact that our belief system defines our ACTIONS to make our goals a reality, will be disastrous.
Our belief system is either elevated (positive) or limited (negative).
Limiting beliefs is what holding people from moving into life:
The Fear of calling a customer is a limiting belief.
The Fear of public speaking is a limiting belief.
The Fear of starting a company is a limiting belief.
… and the list of fears goes on and on that limits us from Our God’s Potential encoded in us.
Fear and limiting beliefs are the evil.
What is the cost of inhabiting this evil within us?
What is the cost of jailing ourselves in the prison of self?
The Poverty in Inaction… is the cost.
Inaction creates pain, creates more fears, and increases our pool of limiting beliefs.
So, what is the cost of INACTION on you and on your customer?
For example, most entrepreneurs, business owners and coaches fear scaling their business, growing their teams, increasing their profits and making a huge impact. Everybody dreams about those things, but very few act on them.
Most entrepreneurs prefer to pay the cost of pain and inaction versus the cost of gain and action. They stay small, play the game of small profit margins, and focus on competition instead of serving a higher cause.
Life is a beautiful game experience between gain and pain.
Your resilience, your grit and your perseverance determine reaching every goal you set.
But, to achieve your goals, you need to overcome your fears.
What is fear-settings?
How it serves you as entrepreneur?
and how it serves your customer?
Tim Ferris in a TED Talk created this exercise. Apply it as it and work on overcoming your fears and limiting beliefs in order to achieve your goals and create your dream life.
Tim asks you to create 3 pages:
Page 1: create three columns:
Define, Prevent, Repair.
Tim asks you to create a list under each column. What defines every fear, how can you prevent it, and how can you repair it even a little bit?
Page 2: List what might be the benefits of an attempt or a partial success?
Page 3: List the cost of Inaction (financially, emotionally, physically… etc.), 6 months from now, one year and three years from now.
By doing this exercise, you help yourself putting your fears outside your belief system. When you project your fears on a piece of paper, you are taking them outside your belief system, psychologists say.
Tim Ferris exercise is super important because it shows you the cost you are going to pay for not taking actions on overcoming your fears.
There is a cost anyway you are going to pay. It’s better to pay the cost of taking actions and achieving your dreams, versus the damages you are going to experience financially, emotionally, and physically… for not taking actions on your dreams.
See, you set the path for your customers.
Your customers copy you. They model your message, your beliefs and your actions.
When you don’t take actions on your dreams that you believe could change the world to a better place, what a shame of leaving the world and your customers in this turmoil.
Customers buy from you because they need your results.
Customers buy a 20k purse to model the results you have set in your brand. Take Hermes brand as an example.
If you are selling clothing, coaching, online courses or real estate… Your customers buys your results and the results of your previous successful clients.
Nobody wants to buy offers or products and stick them on the shelves.
Positive and Elevated Results are the cost of taking actions.
Damaging Results are the cost of Inaction.
Act now and elevate your life, so your customers will model the same.
To Your Elevated Actions!
Georges Hanna.