The 4 Levels of Profit
You may heard me saying you should always sell at 100% Profit or higher 🔥
You may also wondering how can that be done while growing your biz at 10X+ Growth Rate every year or so…
The answer is very simple and very easy to understand 🙏🏻
I’m going to explain how it works and how you can apply it into your biz today 👊🏼
Profit is not only money as you have learned at school. If it’s the case, everybody should be making money like crazy.
But, why do some people have the same knowledge about money, and yet some of them stay #poor and some become super wealthy…
O wealthy not rich ?!?
Yes, wealth is different from rich 😳
Wealth involves 4 levels of Profits while rich focuses on a small tiny piece of one of the profits.
You need to understand that money is not a result, it is only a by-product of creating and selling a VALUE.
Your product is a value #exchange…
Your service is a #value exchange…
Your #offer is a value exchange…
Everything you do in life is a value exchange…
In biz, we use money as a medium of that exchange. The more value you produce the more money you make.
But, creating value is related to a deeper level of #consciousness that you cannot access by doing the regular work in your biz or in your career, that everybody else is doing.
Where that value comes from and why do we have 4 levels of #profit?
As we know today in Neuroscience 101 is that our body is not one entity. Our body has three different centres: Mind, Heart and Gut. Each centre has its own brain and functions totally independent from each other. They only work in harmony when we intentionally redirect the ENERGY from each centre to flow into the other and vice versa. That requires a high level of practice. I’m not going to go deep on this now, but i want you to understand that we have 3 Energy Centres in our body AND money is the by-product of one of them only.
Money is related to the gut energy centre. It is the lowest centre in energy and in profit. It is only responsible for our survival… no more than that.
Therefore, money by itself has no value other than keeping us safe and surviving by buying our essential needs.
But why people chase money like crazy and only focus on the money?
The answer is: we’ve been conditioned to think this way. In the age of corporations and Consumption, The only way to keep you buying and consuming is by keeping you focusing on your survival mode only.
This is why we over-buy, we over-eat, we over-drink, we over-consume and we over-spend money on things that we don’t essentially need.
We’ve been programed to do so… and We’ve been programed to focus on the survival mode instead of the mode that transforms us, fulfills us, makes us really happy, and elevates our human experience.
So, corporations in the era of consumption focus only on the gut energy center and neglect the other two important centers: the mind and the heart ❤️
This is why we buy and we buy… we consume and we make a lot of money and we don’t feel happy. Happiness is not related to the gut and its energy center… it is related to the heart when it goes in harmony with the mind.
So, when you produce a Value… that Value will be produced in the mind centre in harmony with the heart centre. This is what we call creating HIGH VALUE OFFER in business… and this is when you make a lot of money as a byproduct of creating and exchanging that high value.
You make a lot of money while you are feeling happy, fulfilled and transformed.
Every energy center has its own brain and has its own profit… 🤗
The profit of the gut is money and time… among others.
The profit of the mind is the TRANSFORMATION…
The profit of the heart is the FULFILLMENT…
The fourth energy center that I will not cover in this article is the Spirit center… and its Profit is the full connection with the CREATOR or what we call in science the Quantum Intelligent Field.
So by now you understand that happiness, joy, fulfillment, transformation, passion, are not only related to money. But money is one of the byproducts created by those things when they happen in harmony.
so, if you want to make a lots of money and enjoy it…
If you want to travel the world while you are making an impact… if you want to create that business idea that’s going to transform the lives of people…
… You need to make your energy centers to work in harmony, and only by then, you’ll become wealthy not only rich.
Only by then, you’re going to make a lot of money While you are enjoying quality time for yourself and with your family…
Only by then, you will enjoy your purpose in this life…
So when you create a value in your business or you create a value in your career, focus on the three profits not only on the Money Profit.
The money profit is very limited. It would only be created in big amounts when the harmony with the other three profits happen. This is what we call life.
You are here to experience an elevated life…
You are here to create a business that elevates the human experience!
Today, You are one step away of transforming a human life…
To Your Exponential Profit!
Georges Hanna
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