My 30 New Commandments of Getting High-End RESULTS
My 30 New Commandments of Getting High-End RESULTS in Doing Business in 2021. Results that Will Make You Thrive at 100% Profit and at 10X+ Growth Rate toward 2030:
1- You customer acquisition must be at zero dollar.
2- You should break even on every marketing or advertising campaign you run.
3- You should raise your prices and eliminate discounts.
4- You should sell on High Perceived Value not on wishes and desires.
5- You should make a 100% Profit on every core product or core service you sell.
6- Sell offers not products.
7- Sell a Level-10-Opportunity not a 10% better commodity. The market is full of average.
8- Create a New Opportunity for your potential customers to follow that is bigger than you, your biz and themselves. Manifesting from the UNKNOWN is the answer.
9- Work on developing your High Potential Skill formula: your talent + your knowledge innovation + your communications mediums and your human experience method.
10- Become a Human Experience Trusted Advisor by turning your biz into a Human Experience Agency that replaces the outdated combination of your advertising, marketing, sales, technology, and communications.
11- Whatever you are selling, either shoes, shirts, food, software, or massage… you are always coaching, advising and sharing knowledge. Repackage that knowledge to leverage your time, energy and therefore your money.
12- You should create a community of raving believers who buy everything you share with them, and still beg you for more.
13- Turn your team into brand ambassadors and share with them a percentage of your profit. They are your partner not your employees anymore. Together, you will increase your company’s net wroth and your ambassadors will make more profit.
14- Profit has three dimensions: Money, Time, and Energy.
15- Profit has four levels: achievement from your product, transformation from your message, fulfilment from your community, and holiness by elevating the human experience.
16- You should sell on autopilot 24/7/365.
17- You should add a new stream of income that sells on autopilot if your current product is local.
18- You should be the front-end of your biz. You are the brand, and you are the project. Start your show today.
19- Knowledge is expensive. Re-package your knowledge and your experience and sell them to the world.
20- You have to expand your markets outside your geographic area, and export to the world using digital assets.
21- Increase your business assets’ worth by creating Digital Real Estate Assets (DREA) such as eBook, workshops, online courses, systems, processes…
22- Eliminate deficiencies in your systems and processes, and automate most of them.
23- Switch your biz model from done-for-you TO done-by-you.
24- Innovation is the language of the current economy: the knowledge economy.
25- Contribute to help others in your community by offering at least 10% of your profit toward elevating your society.
26- Exponential growth is a necessity not a luxury. Learn it.
27- The bottom line in business today is to make 100% Profit on your money, on your time, and on your energy; and grow your biz and your community at 10X+ scale rate.
28- Growth is the language of life. Ok is the language of tombs.
29- Add yours here…
30- Add yours here…
Always Remember: You are NOT in the game of selling products or commodities, you are on a MISSION of transforming Human Lives.
Today, You are literarily One Step Away of Transforming a Human life…
Join me on this movement’s mission to liberate humans from the poverty inside, and from the jail within, to unleash their God’s potential.
Join my private Facebook group: “100% Profit” on your money, your time and your energy:
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To Your Success,
Georges Hanna