Marketing and Sales Come Down to One Thing…
If you are solving a problem,
or you are creating a marketing campaign,
or you want to close a deal,
or you want to convince anyone on anything…
All comes to one thing: BELIEF.
It is not about the tips and tricks,
not about the tactics and processes,
it is about how humans function.
Since I have started my journey in entrepreneurship, my results skyrocketed once I learned how to address that BELIEF that holds people back… or advance them in life.
A problem is a limiting belief that holds people in a circle of thoughts and emotions and prevent them from achieving what they want.
You want to start your online business and you are stuck at getting your first paid client and afraid to charge $25,000 for your offer because you are believing that you are not enough…
You want to cross the 6-figures mark but your internal limiting belief is telling you: you are doing OK now…
Your client gets excited about your offer, they buy it but do nothing with it because you did not address their limiting beliefs. You scratched the surface with your offer.
If you are selling fashion, software, blueprint, consulting, massage… anything you sell is a BELIEF to get a better situation in life.
Your client buys your signature shirt for example because they want to buy a belief that this shirt will make them more beautiful.
Your client buys your coaching and training, because they want to buy a belief that your teaching will make them powerful…
Your clients are not able to solve their problem on their own and want your help because unconsciously they get stuck on a limiting belief. That limiting belief put them in a circle of PAIN.
Your job is to understand their current situation first, give them a new hope to cross that river of uncertainty with your solution second; and third, coach them on the path to get in there.
No matter what you are selling, you are always doing those three things to help your client overcome their limiting beliefs to help them move forward toward their goals in life.
The bigger the hope is, the bigger the opportunity is for you and for your client. You need to be experienced to train people on their ability to believe again that they can.
It is simple and also it is easy to learn.
You may be thinking now, well Georges, I am a business owner not a healer… See, your limiting beliefs kick-in in every thought and in every decision you make.
You stay for an hour with a potential client on the phone, you know they really need your help, even though they walk away because you did not address their limiting belief. You just pushed a product on them.
Love is a belief…
Achievement is a belief…
Getting a result is a belief…
Making money is a belief…
Having a quality time with your beloved ones is a belief…
Being healthy is a belief…
None of those is a product.
Don’t push a product, nor a solution.
Always help people change or overcome their mental and their emotional barriers, and you will move mountains.
You will make all the money you want,
you will sell every offer you create,
and you will have all the time you need..
Once you touch the limiting beliefs.
Your success is a belief!!
Believe, and elevate yourself…
You Are One Step Away of Transforming a Human Life….
Georges Hanna